Gynecology | Sexual Wellness



Sexual Wellness

If you knew there were solutions, would you be ready to talk to a doctor about your intimate life?

Dr. Cobb’s patients love her fund of knowledge and dedication to improving quality of life, but they keep coming back because she is a good listener and really strives to get to know each woman as an individual. She creates a safe and comfortable environment where her patients can feel comfortable discussing even the most sensitive topics.


“Did you know sexual health is important for every woman, regardless of her preferences, orientation, or even current level of sexual activity?  

I take a holistic approach in every aspect of my practice—especially sexuality and intimacy.

Holistic is defined as “characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms,” and a holistic sexual wellness encounter begins with a discussion of your medical and surgical history, medications, sexual history, family history, lifestyle choices, and most importantly—your personal goals and values.  

A pelvic exam is absolutely not required to start exploring sexual wellness, but I do think it is an important part of your comprehensive evaluation. Especially when it is a first pelvic exam or you’ve had a history of pain or trauma, I carefully explain the process and purpose of the exam, When you are ready, I will evaluate your sexual and reproductive anatomy including your vulva, perineum, labia, vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries.

I will discuss with you any abnormal findings such as lesions, abnormal discharge, atrophy (thinning) of the tissue of the vagina and vulva, or pelvic prolapse. It is vital for you to understand your anatomy and how it works. There are so many myths surrounding our anatomy and even more variations of “normal”! Education is empowering and confidence is essential to satisfying intimacy. Then together, we can create a treatment plan designed to be a sustainable solution to reach your goals.  And of course you get to ask more questions and receive answers!”

-Dr. Christie Cobb, M.D.


If your goals include reducing dryness and irritation, increasing arousal and intensity, or improving urinary incontinence, I offer many evidence-based therapies that really work to improve your sexual health.

Click an image below to learn more.

vFIT+ Intimate Wellness Solutions®

vFIT+ Intimate Wellness Solutions®

MonaLisa Touch® Laser Therapy

MonaLisa Touch® Laser Therapy

HER Intimate Care™

HER Intimate Care™

Carboxytherapy Treatment

Carboxytherapy Treatment